Wednesday, May 26, 2010

S for Steep Climb and Stunning View

The climb to one of the highest points of the Great Wall (Beijing, China) -- is a little steep, and yet, with a stunning view like this, it's well worth everything.

Young and old, they all eventually reach the top!

[* An ABC Wednesday post. This week's letter is - S.]

[* Also for Wordless Wednesday.]

Friday, May 21, 2010

Moon and Venus

A rare occasion -- Moon and Venus as seen in the skies 16th May 2010.

/minor editing involved to remove noise / taken with a Canon SX110IS/

[* Skywatch Friday post.]

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

R for River Li and the Rocky Mountains

River Li (also Li Jiang 漓江) is a major river running through Guilin, China. Besides it being one of the most famous attractions for tourists, it is too, a major source of water (drinking, cooking, bathing) and livelihood (the most famous activity being Cormorant fishing) for the locals.

[* An ABC Wednesday post. This week's letter is - R.]

[* A Watery Wednesday post.]

[* And also for Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Q for Q here

Expect long lines when it comes to food!

What better way to ask people to queue up nicely. 'Please Q here'

...and wait to be seated. (Photo below taken with a mobile phone cam.)

Japanese food stalls fill up the food place at Singapore's ION Orchard.

[* An ABC Wednesday post. this week's letter is - Q.]

[* Wordless Wednesday]

Friday, May 7, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

P for Pedestrians at Bugis

And that's where you go for street shopping in Singapore.

This photo was taken two years ago and a lot has changed since then!

But anywhere in Singapore, there's bound to be a shopping centre, and it's always PACKED with PEOPLE.

[* An ABC Wednesday post. this week's letter is - P.]

[* Wordless Wednesday]